What Others Say...
"Dr. Strocchia-Rivera is a rare professional in that she combines impressive knowledge with heartfelt care. After years of searching for answers, Dr. Strocchia-Rivera was able to help us connect the dots. She genuinely listened to our concerns, read over numerous reports, met with our child and, through a series of diagnostic testing, was able to -- as her business name implies -- provide us with insight. Her keen attention to detail helped us pick up on a diagnosis that had been missed up to this point and her referral will help our child get the care she needs earlier in life. After the diagnosis, she spent time making sure we, as the parents, had a plan of action and a comprehensive understanding of the diagnosis. We are grateful to Dr. Strocchia-Rivera and know that, because of her diligence, we are on the right track now." - Filomena F.
"Dr. Strocchia-Rivera provided a refuge for our family from a dizzying storm of doctors and school district personnel after my son experienced a traumatic brain injury. The psychologists and neuropsychologists with whom we came into contact conducted evaluations using a one-size-fits-all assessment strategy.
Dr. Strocchia-Rivera carefully chose the assessment tools that best fit my son’s needs. She was generous with her time and carefully assessed my son over several sessions. The feedback she provided encompassed not only specific recommendations for his school and for us at home but she presented her findings within the broader landscape of the fields of education and childhood development.
As both a parent of a special needs child and as a professional in special education, I take every opportunity to recommend Dr. Strocchia-Rivera to other parents who may be similarly adrift. They report that she has moored them as well." - Amy S.
"Dr. Strocchia-Rivera loves people and puts her heart and head into helping them. Her warmth is appealing, her energy engaging, her knowledge and experience extensive, her tailored methods appropriate, her analysis apt and her delivery effective. She has it all and you should talk to her." - John L